Friday, October 27, 2017

Another Absurd Public Typing Choice

I tried it again during dinner, writing a second letter to a second friend, and actually met some really cool people including one who has about 10 typewriters himself and is a bit of a collector.  It's nice not to be interrupted so much, but with this machine I felt like I was totally asking for it!!!


  1. You're a madman. A glorious madman. What other machines are you thinking of taking in the future?

    1. I don't know how to top this. I have done an Oliver, an SG3, even a Selectric. Not sure how to be more absurd public typing...
      Today I am taking it easy and just bringing an Erika.

  2. Yes quite mad. But the perfect machine for some Edgar Allen Poe-inspired poetry!

  3. That typewriter should have drawn a great deal of attention. Using it at home should be fun. In public, I agree, mad. But it had to be fun. Great old typeface though.

  4. Hmm, the only way I can match that is a Smith-Corona Coronet Automatic 12. Plugged into the nearest outlet because "I need to charge it." The power return of the carriage would be enough to annoy any barista in mid-pour.

  5. Oh, good Lord - kachunk, kachunk, kachunk.. :D

  6. Hillarious! I'm sure most people didn't even recognize this as a typewriter. I'm amazed you were not arrested for using a foreign spy machine in public.
    You know 'if you see something - say something'.

  7. I absolutely love the typewriter and the fact that you used in public. Yep, a cry for attention! (And that's OK.)
