This was a cool opportunity to buy in bulk. There are some winners. 22 machines, for $150 and I think I did all right... The cases are all pretty much shot, moldy and torn and rusted, but the machines are not bad. Sorry for blurry pics, taken late at night in my cellar after moving them all, didn't really try that hard to get them in focus.
Here is what 12 standards in the back of a Scion looks like. |
6 40s-50s Underwoods, a Royal KMM, a Smith Corona, Woodstock, Remington 17, old front strike Remingotn, Royal HH. Probably no keepers here, but a chance to get some of my money back perhaps. |
10 portables in the trunk of a Scion. |
This Corona 4 needs some TLC, but it's not bad. Has the spool covers. Might keep it might not. |
Remington Travel Riter needs quite a bit of TLC. Not likely one to keep. |
Smith Corona Clipper with the plane decal, actually pretty much working. I think these are cool and will likely keep it for myself. |
This is a fancy Remington Noiseless. I think I have a friend in mind for this one. |
Remington Portable #1, case is way junked, machine is decent. I might have a home in mind for this one too. |
Very nice Corona Silent. I will clean this up and if it suits me as a writer's machine I will keep it. |
Royal Model O, this might clean up and if it doesn't I will make it a cool color or something. |
Another less cool Remington Noiseless. I won't keep this one. |
50s Underwood Leader. If there is one to toss in a lake it's this one. Might be the only one here not worth the average price of $6.82. The platen knobs won't even turn. It's not like these were ever that nice even when new... |
And this is the star of the show, a quite nice Royal De Luxe which has been on my want list. Seeing this one sort of sealed the deal for me. Again, like all of them, the case is crap, but this machine has real potential! |