Friday, November 4, 2016

Harsh Words: The effect technology can have on us


  1. Automatic transmissions take the fun out of driving and make driving boring. Manual typewriters and fountain pens make writing fun and fountain pens a bit of a challenge for those of us who scribble. I know many people who could not function because they forgot how to think and rely on their phone or PC for everything. Just wait for the IOT. No wonder there is a book titled 'The Dumbest Generation.' I still shoot film and listen to vinyl (as well as schellac/carbon on a Victrola) too.

  2. Great thoughts. And I like the blue ribbon used in the first piece.

    1. It's the purple ribbon from FJA Products! It's pretty great.

  3. I agree with the basics of your first commentary, but I have to say that I no longer try to keep my running balance in my check book by subtracting in my head. I use my old Casio 4-banger calculator now. It' simple, the keys are big, and it doesn't try to connect to the internet. I could use my head for subtracting the checks, but it's something I don't feel I have to do anymore since I've become and Olde Farte. (P.S. since I started collecting typewriters I've begun typing my checks. I wonder how many typed checks the power company gets in a month? Probably some businesses do that. But how many private residences?)

    1. I use calculators too; the difference is I do it my head or a rough estimate in my head to make sure the calculator answer seems right. That way if I input a number wrong I don't write a false total!
      It's all about recognizing the tools we use and making sure we remain vigilant.

  4. I recently surprised the clerk at the passport renewal office who had never seen a typewritten renewal form in all the years she worked there. She loved it, I'm shocked that I would have been the first.

    1. I often love startling people by doing forms and things on typewriters. I did a job application once and the hiring person was floored. She thought it was real cool.
