Saturday, October 18, 2014

Typewriter Signed By a Bestselling Novelist? Yes PLEASE!

This is the Royal KMM I lent to Cade Fall, the prop master for "Wish You Well", a movie which just debuted based on a novel of the same name by David Baldacci.  Upon the typewriter being returned I was given a certificate saying the machine was used in the making of the film which is cool enough already... but last night I attended the premier and sure enough, it can be seen in front of the stenographer in the final court scene (barely, but it's there and it's recognizable as a Royal)!  I also brought the side panel and a metallic Sharpie in my coat pocket and was lucky enough to run into Mr. Baldacci himself who graciously signed my machine and made it just that much more precious.


  1. How cool! What a neat experience.

  2. Congratulations on a grand experience!

  3. It's not ever day a writer gets asked to sign someone's typewriter. Well done!

  4. I've seen people fake a J.D. Salinger signature on a type writer and try to sell it on ebay. This is the first genuine article I've seen ... unless this guy was impersonating the author!:)

  5. That's fantastic! There's some huge DB fans here at my place that are jealous.

  6. Taking the side panel was inspired/genius, Mark! Congrats. Very cool story and mid-life provenance for your machine!! :-)
